上海市对外教育交流中心2015年度TEFL in ...

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上海市对外教育交流中心2015年度TEFL in China证书考培工作圆满完

  • 为贯彻国家外国专家局办公室下发的《关于试行开展外籍语言教师(英语类)职业培训》(外专办发[2010]182号文件)精神,国家外专局国外人才信息研究中心授权上海市对外教育交流中心负责上海地区的外籍语言教师(英语类)职业培训项目有关组织工作。

  • In order to carry out the spirit of “Professional Training (Trail) for TEFL in China (English)” (Published by SAFEA[2010], No.182) from the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs (SAFEA), the Information Research Center has authorized Shanghai Overseas Education Exchange Centre (SOEEC) to take charge of the related affairs of TEFL in China training program in Shanghai.

  • 目前TEFL in China 培训主要采取线下培训模式。在为期七天不间断的培训过程,学员除了课堂学习还将面临实战学习。为了使学员们更好的学以致用,中心的老师们设定了专业的课程表模板,通常在开课后第五天为学员们安排了试讲课的评测。

  • Currently, TEFL in China adopts offline training model. In the course of the seven-day ongoing training, students have had a systematic theory study and applied practical training. These lecturers of SOEEC have set a professional schedule template to let students to gear their study into practice. Generally, trial teaching class will be arranged for students on the fifth day of the training process.

  • 在此之前,讲师对课程的安排也是极为仔细,采取了理论与实践的结合,使学员们在欢乐的气氛中学习到实战经验以及理论知识。

  • The lecturers have made detailed preparations for the course arrangement, with the combination of theory and practice, thus students could gain theoretical knowledge and practical experience in the enjoyable atmosphere.

  • 由于前来参加学习的外教并不全是教育专业毕业,所以在理论学习方面,我们更注重培训外教们普遍比较薄弱的语法,音标,以及第二语言教学法方面的知识。在这一环节我们的讲师作为语言学专家给予了学员很大的帮助。

  • Since not all students attending TEFL training were graduated from the major of education, we paid more attentions to the theoretical training to foster their unsubstantial knowledge such as grammar, phonetic symbol, and teaching skills for the second language. In this section, our lectures have provided significant help for students.

  • 另外在实际操作方面,我们的讲师量身为课程制定了三十个左右的教学游戏,这些游戏也是针对不同年龄段的人而设计。

  • Furthermore, in the practical section, our lecturers personalized about 30 educational games for the course, which were also designed for people in various ages.

  • 除了专业的课程学习外,中心还请到交大的王志刚教授以及上海市外办前处长张耀忠定期来为外教讲解中国文化,中国教育体系,中国法律法规,外国人在华就业的政策形势等。这些环节深受学员们的欢迎。

  • Besides professional course study, SOEEC has invited Prof. Wang Zhigang from Shanghai Jiaotong University and Mr. Zhang Yaozhong, the former director of Foreign Affairs Office of Shanghai Municipality, to lecture Chinese culture, education system, laws and regulations, the employment situation for foreigners, and etc. , which were well received by all students.

  • 在授课之余,中心还安排了中国学生前来参加外教的试讲活动,如由金桥专修学院组织的学院英语沙龙活动,不仅让外籍教师体会到了真正的中国校园氛围,也让他们接触并了解到中国高中以及大一新生的英语水平。

  • Outside of lecturing, SOEEC has invited Chinese students to attend the trial teaching activity. For instance, the English salon organized by Shanghai Golden Bridge Training Institute helped these foreign teachers to experience a real Chinese campus atmosphere and realize the English level of high school and first-grade students in the universities.

  • 另外每期培训还会安排小学四年级及以下年龄段的孩子前来参加外教试讲课。所有学员都表示这一环节非常有意义,也对提高他们实际教学技巧很有帮助。

  • Moreover, SOEEC has arranged children under fourth-grade to attend the trial teaching in every training . All students responded that this session was meaningful and would be a helpful assistance for their practical teaching skills.

【8月份TEFL in China 全体师生结业合影】

【9月份TEFL in China 全体师生结业合影】

【10月份TEFL in China 全体师生结业合影】

【11月份TEFL in China 全体师生结业合影】

  • 时光荏苒,2015年很快就要过去了,临近圣诞,在这里我们送上最真诚的节日祝福, Merry Christmas! 中国古语:“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎。”中国欢迎你们,中国英语教育事业需要你们,愿你们在中国一切顺利!

  • As time goes by, the year 2015 will soon have passed. As Christmas is drawing near, we would like to express our sincerely blessing, Merry Christmas! There is an old saying in China, “It is always good to have a friend coming from afar.” Welcome to China! Chinese English education needs you! Wish you all the best in China!