TEFL in China 九月份考培工作圆满结束

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2015年9月23日, 上海市对外教育交流中心(SOEEC)举办的9月份TEFL in China证书培训班圆满落下帷幕。
The Training of “TEFL in China” in September that held by SOEEC completed successfully, Sep 23th, 2015.

Trainees came from USA, France, Canada, etc. During the training, TEFL trainer Michael illustrated how to design English classes effectively, pronunciation and grammar teaching, English teaching methodology, the psychology and learning traits of Chinese students. Professor Wang, from SJTU, introduced Chinese features and the different culture between China and Western countries. Mr. Zhang, from Shanghai Foreign Affairs Office, introduced Chinese basic laws and relevant official policies to the trainees.

      TEFL in China的学员们在培训期间还到上海市金桥专修学院进行了英语课的试讲。在充满了友好热烈气氛的课堂上,学员们寓教于乐,循循善诱,与学院的学生们进行了良好的沟通与互动,使学生们的英语知识得到了提高,口语能力得到了锻炼,欢笑声和掌声一次次在教室内响起。
The trainees of TEFL in China went to Shanghai Golden Bridge Institute for demo and trial teaching. The trainees had effective and friendly interaction with the students. They applied some interesting and useful methods to improve the students’ English levels and oral English abilities.

      通过了结业考试之后,学员们顺利地拿到了TEFL in China资格证书。许多学员表示,这次的TEFL in China培训,对他们以后在中国的工作和生活有很大的帮助。
After completing the training and passing final test, the trainees received TEFL in China certificates successfully. Many trainees said they were satisfied with the training results and benefited very much from the training.