Teaching English as a Foreign Language in China
—————— TEFL In China Certificate
外籍语言教师(英语类)职业培训项目(Teaching English as Foreign Language in China, TEFL in China)由国家外国专家局国外人才信息研究中心负责推广和开发。该项目的培训对象为有意来华从事英语教学工作的外籍人士。为解决当前外籍英语教师供需矛盾,特别是针对一些外籍人士因工作年限不足两年而不能被聘用的实际情况,经上述培训考试合格后获得信息中心颁发的外籍语言教师(英语类)职业培训证书和英语类外国文教专家测评合格证明的,经省级外国专家局认可,可到该省以外国文教专家(外教)身份工作。
TEFL in China 培训内容包括两部分:第一部分为 TEFL 教学理论和教学方法,如课堂设计、发音和语法教学、口语教学方法、语言机能讲授方法、中国学生心理及学习特点等;第二部分为外籍英语教师在华工作的法律法规。
The TEFL in
Upon successful completion of this training and the examination, the TEFL in China Certificate will be awarded. All trainers posses degrees in education and substantial teaching experience in
1. 专业的培训(Professional training
家外专局国外人才信息研究中心授权上海市对外教育交流中心在上海地区开展TEFL in China 培训事宜,在此我们将提供专业的培训并使学员从中获益:
目前TEFL in China 证书以及接轨国际标准并在海外也逐渐被认可。并且该证书可以用于申请国家外专局颁发的外国专家证。这一培训项目将每月在上海举办,并且配备了教学经验丰富的和热情的培训师,该培训师是通过国家外国专家局认可的专业培训师。
SOEEC is authorized by SAFEA to offer official training program of the TEFL in
The TEFL in China Certification meets international standards and is recognized outside of
2. 2。 在华实习和旅游(Internship and traveling in China)
该实习项目并不仅仅是提供给学员一个工作机会,还将是给到未来的来华就业者一次美妙的中国之旅。在此期间学员会感受到不同的中国 文化并在实习期间获得更多的乐趣。
An internship program will be recommended to you once you get the TEFL in China Certificate. And a professional training will be continued during your internship with the feedback about your work and with optional course as Mandarin learning, Chinese drama, Chinese calligraphy and so on.
Teaching-in-China program is not only offering a job but also a chance for you to enjoy a wonderful city tour all over
3. TEFL in China 的入学要求(TEFL in China Training require)
If you are interested in teaching English in China, if you want to get the working permission in China in 7 days, please join us.
What you need to be
l Have the bachelor degree or above. You can be the students in mast degree and you don’t need the working experience about teaching.
l You need use English as native language.
l Would like to be a teacher in China and interested in enjoining the life in China.
l It’s better you already know some Chinese and Chinese culture
If you want to have the training pleases apply online and pass the online test before:
Application: http://www.tefl-shanghai.org/index.php
Online TEST: http://evaluation.safea.gov.cn/login.php
After you finish the application and the online test you need pay the tuition before on-site training starts. You will get the refund if we are notified of your absence 30 days prior to the on-site training. Otherwise, all refund application will be declined. But you will be put in the list for another round of our training schedule.
Trainees who fail in the final test will be given a free second test and the second pre-test training application will be charged RMB1000. We are going to charge RMB500 for another test if trainee fails in the second free test and pre-test training will be charged RMB3000 in total (including the test).